Executive Coaching

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Executive coaching is the best way for a leader to expand their ability to achieve organizational goals. The coaching relationship is established for a limited period, and focuses on specific goals and parameters. This is a partnership between the coach, the executive, and his/her organization. Once the goals are identified and the entrance interviews are completed, the executive and their coach will work together in confidential weekly sessions.




Whether you are a new entrepreneur, or a seasoned business professional – everyone could use an executive coach to bounce ideas off of, to chart a new course for your life or business, and check off milestones along the way. Some of the world’s most powerful CEOs, athletes, and executives at various stages through their careers have worked with executive coaches to improve – why shouldn’t you?

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We all have different levels of experience both in life and in business, and that shapes our actions and perspectives. Working with an executive coach who can guide and advise you, to whom you can speak freely, can lead to amazing gains in your business. Mentors and coaches can be an essential ingredient to your success – and ANG-MCC can pair you with one of the best!




Executive coaching can increase your organizational value potential whether your company seeks assistance with succession planning, leadership training, increasing team cohesion, or creating a positive organizational culture.

You and your executive coach will work together and make an assessment of exactly where you are and realistically determine your short and long-term goals. From there, you can plan your roadmap to success and begin your journey! Your coach will assist you along the way by holding you accountable for your goals and providing course correction when necessary.

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Simply fill out the form on this page and we will contact you within 24 hours to learn more about your goals.