Leadership Development

Training is an event but leadership is an ongoing process.

~  John Agno

How does leadership development work?

[ezcol_1third]stock-photo-67454101-vision-crossword-concept[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] We work with you to discover your personality traits and preferred way of handling situations. We then explore your work style and work environment. We will review your perceptions, attitudes and beliefs in order to leverage your strengths. Together, we’ll examine obstacles and show you how to work around areas of weakness, thus giving you the ability to find success on your own terms. Often we will suggest a series of assessments to give you an accurate reflection of your behavior and understand how you can improve. Understanding yourself and developing the ability to motivate others are the pillars of leadership. [/ezcol_2third_end]

With us, it’s all about YOU.

Our unique approach offers an exceptional return-on-investment by offering exciting new ways of viewing your organization and your specific situation.

How does leadership development help?

[ezcol_1third]stock-photo-56413832-woman-offers-her-hand-to-shake-hands[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Those who benefit the most from leadership development are those individuals who share their confidential issues and work with us to find solutions that work. With ANG-MCC you find a partner who learns who you are – not just at the surface but also at a deep level – and by understanding them, supports your goals. We then help you to achieve a new level of effectiveness. We talk about the things that matter to you, so you can confidently develop your leadership skills and map out your road to success. [/ezcol_2third_end]

We partner with you to improve and succeed in a way you’ve always dreamed possible.

Potential Candidates:


stock-photo-56303628-treat-employees-like-they-make-a-difference-and-they-will[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]

  • Those who want to learn what it takes to become a great leader.
  • Talented management who are candidates in succession planning but deficient in their leadership and communication skills.
  • Technically proficient individuals who lack people skills or aren’t savvy enough to both promote and gain acceptance for their ideas.
  • Executive women who want to break the glass ceiling by learning the invisible rules of the game.
  • Inexperienced managers whose development is paramount to organizational success.
  • Established leaders who are approaching burnout and need assistance in balancing work/life or handling aged-related personal crisis.
  • Long-term employees who resist or who have not kept up with organizational change.
  • Strategic thinkers who want to plot new initiatives for their department or organization.


We offer confidential, convenient and cost-effective ways to accelerate success, giving you a major competitive edge. Contact us today.