Seminar 12

  • Identifying personal time-wasters
  • Defining goals; establishing important and valid priorities
  • Creating a realistic and productive schedule
  • Dealing with self-distractions and interruptions
  • Increasing productivity by using technology efficiently
  • Identifying ways to manage e-mail
  • Creating boundaries and balance
  • Prioritizing and choosing activities to balance life and work
  • Creating a personal “no” script

Seminar 11

  • Explain the value of meetings as a management tool.
  • Craft a solid agenda.
  • Recognize the critical planning step that makes meeting time more effective.
  • Lead robust, inclusive discussions.
  • Use tools to focus on the right information.
  • Practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior.

Seminar 10

  1. Problem identification and statement
  2. Needs assessment
  3. Rationale for the project (including a literature review citing research that the
  4. project is building on what has been learned in the past)
  5. Goals and objectives
  6. Project activities
  7. Project work-plan and timeframe
  8. Budget development
  9. Monitoring and evaluation plan
  10. Management Plan and Institutional Capability

Seminar 9

– Explain why good communication skills are important.

– Pinpoint what makes such skills hard to master.

– Describe models of and methods for communication.

– Understand how preconceptions and limited perceptions interfere with communication.

– Define nonverbal communication.

– Rephrase blunt phrases to prevent offensiveness.

– Demonstrate the ability to craft professional email messages that are clear yet courteous.

– Develop an action plan to improve communication skills.

Seminar 1

  • Social Media for Communication, Marketing, and Fundraising
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Engage Members and Donors
  • Issues Surrounding Social Media
  • Tools and Techniques