Seminar 11

  • Explain the value of meetings as a management tool.
  • Craft a solid agenda.
  • Recognize the critical planning step that makes meeting time more effective.
  • Lead robust, inclusive discussions.
  • Use tools to focus on the right information.
  • Practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior.

Seminar 9

– Explain why good communication skills are important.

– Pinpoint what makes such skills hard to master.

– Describe models of and methods for communication.

– Understand how preconceptions and limited perceptions interfere with communication.

– Define nonverbal communication.

– Rephrase blunt phrases to prevent offensiveness.

– Demonstrate the ability to craft professional email messages that are clear yet courteous.

– Develop an action plan to improve communication skills.

Seminar 8

  • Discover how all components of a business fit together
  • Read and understand financial statements and analyze the financial health of a business
  • Gain insights into the economy and its impact on business
  • Develop a business strategy and a sustainable competitive position
  • Learn the language of business and communicate effectively on business matters to any audience level
  • Develop an effective organization and successfully deal with people
  • Enjoy an invaluable peer-to-peer learning experience

Seminar 7

  • Identify strategies in order to develop a unique competitive advantage
  • Learn key analytical and conceptual approaches to expand your understanding of the marketplace
  • Align your organization with your strategic planning goals
  • Incorporate customer needs into the strategic plan
  • Use a case study to examine the strategic planning process in detail
  • Determine the best approach to effectively implement your strategy

Seminar 5

  • Identify your preferred supervisory style
  • Learn to recognize what supervisory approaches are most effective under different conditions
  • Consider when to adapt your style and practice doing so
  • Strengthen a variety of critical forms of supervisory communication

Seminar 4

  • Assessment of your organization’s “transition readiness”
  • Best practices and tools to prepare for the transition
  • Progress on addressing organizational vulnerabilities related to a transition
  • Increased clarity on your personal steps to departure and plans for future
  • Support and motivation to plan and implement the steps necessary to leave
  • Focused leadership related to your upcoming transition
  • Groundwork laid for a succession plan
  • Celebration of your legacy!

Seminar 3

The management of diversity and inclusion has evolved from “counting the numbers” to “making the numbers count.” Organizations that no longer look at inclusion as having a good mix of diverse people, but as a way to fully engage employees, partners and customers have an opportunity to compete globally. Diversity and inclusion must be embedded in an organizational culture to make a positive impact on performance.


This course differentiates diversity from inclusion and how organizations often miss the real opportunity. Students assess three levels of inclusion and identify evidence that can be used for each level to assess presence and effectiveness. HR executives and leaders share their perspective on diversity and inclusion and how they made the shift to inclusion at organizational, managerial and work group levels.

Seminar 2

  • Assess the organization’s “transition readiness”
  • Understand best practices and different components of succession planning
  • Receive tools to increase organizational sustainability and transition readiness
  • Identify priority areas of focus for organizational sustainability and begin action planning
  • Understand and plan for board and staff roles in succession planning
  • Have concrete steps to begin organizational sustainability and succession plan work